At the end of December 2013 the annual meeting of the Tax Representative Alliance (TRA) for 2014 was announced. The 2014 meeting will be held in Regensburg (Ratisbon), Germany, and is organized by the German TRA memberfirm WW+KN.

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“We are happy to organize the annual meeting of the Tax Representative Alliance in Regensburg in 2014”, WW+KN managing partner Matthias Winkler says. There are 40 participants from 20 countries expected. Main aspects of the meeting are the networking between the TRA members as well as the development of the common business inside TRA.
The Tax Representative Alliance (TRA) is an association of independent auditing, tax consulting and legal firms from all relevant states of the world. The main goal of TRA is the specialized VAT advisory and the consulting of clients with cross-border VAT affairs. Clients of the TRA members are manufacturing companies, distributors, amazon dealers, online game producer, airlines and international acting medium-sized firms.
“With TRA we have the opportunity to offer international clients one contact person, who can coordinate the tax affairs of the client together with the TRA partners in other countries”, Matthias Winkler, who is also Vice President of TRA, explains. Especially international clients expect that their tax advisor has a professional international network.
The Tax Representative Alliance holds every year a general meeting. Commonly every memberfirm sends at least one person to the meeting. This year the meeting will take place in Regensburg, Bavaria, between 13th and 15th March 2014. On the agenda of the meeting are the developments of the common business of the TRA members as well as the development of the new service “cross-border excise duties” and current developments in the VAT sector.