The Tax Representative Alliance (TRA) is an association of independent VAT specialists from several countries. They are accountants, lawyers or tax advisors, who handle the VAT affairs of foreign companies and groups as tax representatives in their states.
The goals of the members of the alliance are to:
- Have a very good knowledge of European VAT matters and international business and inform the other members of new tax rules in their country and any other useful information;
- Handle the VAT registration of clients in one or several European countries;
- Issue and submit to the tax and customs authorities, on behalf of clients, their VAT returns, VAT payments, claims for VAT refunds or intrastats in one or several European countries;
- Handle all VAT and customs issues relating to the European and international business of the clients;
- Make European and international business easier for clients, in respect of the tax rules, providing relevant advice;
- Provide relevant reports and, if necessary, use crosschecking and coherence calculations;
- Work in short timescales;
- Offer competitive fees.