Last March the 26th it took place the third meeting of European VAT specialist.
Tax Representative Alliance (TRA) hand in hand with its Spanish member Tax Partners, organized this meeting with the purpose of strengthening relationships among member states (20 currently) and provide a space of higher fluency in terms of indirect taxation with countries of our environment.
After the first meeting in Paris (France) in 2013 and the second meeting in Regensburg (Germany) in 2014, this meeting in Madrid has been the base for developing the cooperation among the participating companies. We cannot leave out nowadays companies have access to markets that remain beyond their own countries. TRA aims to enhance the structures of cooperation among its members, and can offer an expert one-stop-shop service on VAT issues and taxation for all these companies, making it easier for them to access these new markets.
Tax Representative Alliance (TRA) sets itself up as a reference for international collaboration for tax purposes.
Members have had the chance to enjoy Madrid´s people and culture making this event extensive to different traditional activities over the weekend, with a wonderful weather.