on Thursday 11th May 2017, at 02:00 pm at the Hotel Me Milan II Duca Piazza della Repubblica n.13 20124 Milan
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Meeting 2016 in Geneva
The last annual meeting of the Tax Representative Alliance (TRA) took place in Switzerland, on April,1 2016. The meeting has been organized by the Swiss TRA member, LA BOETIE.
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Tra Conference in Marseille: How to sell abroad
TRA alliance will organize on November 18, in Marseille (Palais de la Bourse- 9, la Canebiere 13001 Marseille) a conference with the main topic: How to sell abroad? The alliance will be represented by Switzerland (La Boetie), Italy (Studio Cassinis), France (La Representation Fiscale), Belgium (Deny Cargo) and Romania (Tax Reprsentation).
Tra Conference in Torino: Participate to tenders in Europe
TRA alliance will organize on 20 May, in Torino (Centro Congressi Torino Incontra, Sala Sella, Via Nino Costa 8, Torino) a conference related to Participate to tenders in Europe with a focus on France and Switzerland. The alliance will be represented by the Swiss and the Italian members, the companies La Boetie and Studis Cassinis.
Change at shareholder structure of German TRA member
Succession plan in view of retirement: Tax advisor Marcel Radke and LKC group take shares in WW+KN Wagner Winkler & Collegen GmbH in Regensburg, Germany.
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Annual Meeting 2016 in Geneva announced
The next annual meeting of the Tax Representative Alliance (TRA) will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, in March 2016. The meeting will be organized by the Swiss TRA member, LA BOETIE.
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Annual Meeting 2015 held in Madrid (Spain)
Last March the 26th it took place the third meeting of European VAT specialist.
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Magazine names German TRA member firm as leading tax consultancy
The German business magazine FOCUS conducted a survey about Germany’s leading tax consultancies the second time in 2015. Also the WW+KN group with offices in Munich, Regensburg and Ottobrunn was named on the nationwide list.
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